
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A new love: Washi Tape

I've been reading a lot recently on the blogosphere about washi tape. This is a Japanese masking tape that comes in amazing colours and patterns. It's usually made of natural fibres like bamboo, bark, rice and hemp. Although I lived in Japan for a year I don't remember seeing any of this tape. Maybe it's new? Or perhaps I just wasn't paying the proper attention.

I think I first properly became aware of washi tape on Kimono Reincarnate's blog and Clairabellemakes. Clairabelles makes in particular has a really interesting tutorial on making your own version of this tape.

I decided it was high time I buy some of my own to play with. I Googled around and finally settled on They seemed to have decent prices with tape starting at £2.00 a roll, they sell some Japanese brands and they post from the U.K. For me that was a big must as I may not have time in my current abode to wait for international shipping to arrive.

I have to say I was more than pleased. The tape arrived very promptly. And it's so pretty.

Of course then I had to think of something to do with my new tape. I have a collection of small pots for my beads so decided to try decorating them with this tape:

I think that works very nicely. I'm sure there'll be more posts on this topic as I play with my new tape. What next I wonder? What projects have you found for your washi tape?


  1. I love washi tape! I've only so far featured a really simple card I've made with it on my blog, but I have also shown my little collection on there too! I bought a set of little samples of it as I wanted too many designs and couldn't choose what to get full size, haha!

    1. It is really tricky to choose between designs. They're all so amazing. I'm literally holding myself back from going on a washi tape binge. The card you made is cute. I just went to your blog for a wee peek.

  2. Thanks for linking to my washi tape DIY post! I can guarantee you will now become addicted to browsing the web for different tapes now ;-)

    I use mine in smash books and to package gifts/Etsy shop purchases. There are some really cute patterns out there.


    1. It's kind of like a messy scrap book - great fun!

      Have a look here for more info

