
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Egg Cozies

This book has loads of quirky patterns and ideas for knitting your own egg cozy.

I like this apple one - it's cute. There are patterns for making a variety of cozies from chicks to a basket of violets.

I haven't actually had a go making any of these. That's partly because my knitting is not great and I can't follow knitting instructions, and I can only do one type of stitch. Having flicked through this book I'd say you need to be able to follow knitting instructions and do multiple stitches - it's not for beginners. 

It is cute though and I have one to give away to one of you lucky lot. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment telling me what else you could use an egg cozy for. I like runny eggs so have no need for something to keep my eggs warm but I'm intrigued what other uses could exist.

So leave a comment and I'll pick my favourite. My choice is final.

**Edit: Forgot to say that this giveaway ends on Friday 24th August at 11pm.


  1. iwould make festive ones for my rusian doll collection. easter ones, christmas ones, back to school ones, etc!


  2. I like the idea of using it as a hat for jars and bottles :-)

    Claire x

  3. The winner is Claire! Congrats. E-mail me your address and I'll post the book right off.
