
Start here!

Hello! Welcome to The String Empire! I'm Jenny and I run the Empire.

The String Empire started in 2011. As a new reader (welcome welcome) here is a breakdown of what you can find here.

The String Empire is my personal craft blog. I use it to showcase the things I make and crafty thoughts and ideas I have. Some topics I write about include quilting, felting, reviews, crochet and artists. I also sometimes host/take part in giveaways, swaps and competitions.

Here are some of my favourite posts. I recommend starting with these as a way of getting to know the flavour of my work - my portraits, on zombies, T-shirt quilt, felt goldfish, Chirpy and Dagger, the best ribbons in the world, crochet monster blanket, a country of mystery.

Here are some of my best DIY projects - patchwork baubles, How to make a pom-pom, A mixed-media book cover, felt baby shoes, valentines decorations.

Sit down, have a cup of tea and have an explore. I hope you enjoy yourself.



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